Cellular Gateway

The (d4) BluGateway-LTE can receive readings from  various sources:  (i) YP’s  d-Tech (RS485) ecosystem or (ii) BluTech (BT5)  ecosystem, and (iii) 4 x VW instruments. Backhaul is over cellular LTE-CatM1. Authorization can be over a SIM card or on-board eSIM chip. LTE-M1 data plans cost $2-3/month.  The BluGateway LTE gateway can be configured using an Android device using YP’s free BluPoint App.

The device is a data-logger(30,000 readings) that can be downloaded wirelessly. The instrument can log data from up to 32 BluPoint instruments (dEXTO, dCABLE + BluLink, BluTilt, BluWire etc.). The BluGateway-LTE is powered from 4 D-cell batteries (Alkaline or Lithium (preferred) and will last for 1 year at a 10min reading interval with upload of 1/hr.


  • Datalogging: 30,000 readings
  • Timekeeping: NTP-server and On-board  clock
  • Power: 4x D-Cell primary batteries (Alk or Lithium- Li-SOCl2
  • Battery life: 1 year at 10min readings and 1h upload